The Trump law suits explained
In 16 New York Times headlines
First, I sue him.
First, I sued him.

Second, I request Trump's DNA

Third, my brilliant attorney, Robbie Kaplan,
argues in State Supreme Court that Trump
CAN be sued even though he is a sitting
President. We win the constitutional fight---a landmark for a defamation case.

Fourth, Trump, faced with the deadline of
providing his DNA sample---in one of the most
flabbergasting and corrupt moves of his presidency
----throws the case to the DOJ .

Fifth, my attorneys, Robbie Kaplan, and Joshua Matz
argue so cogently in Federal Court, the judge
tells the DOJ ........TO BUTT OUT. P.S. Joshua, whose
IQ 483, and who is pictured below in the red tie, also acted as special counsel to the prosecution, in both Impeachments Trials of Trump.

The DOJ Appeals to the 2nd Circuit. Joshua Matz and his 538 IQ argue brilliantly. So brilliantly that Joshua's IQ goes up! The Second Circuit can't make up its mind and sends it to the D.C. Court of Appeals. The Court of Appeals basically agrees with us, and it goes back to Federal Court.....and meanwhile, I sue Donald Trump for rape and defamation using the recently passed New York State law, Adult Survivor's Act-----a law which gives survivors a one year window to sue their assaulters----and we go to.....
Trial April 25th, 2023.
Story by Ben Weiser, Lola Fadulu, and Kate Christobek

After a unanimous federal jury held Trump liable for sexual assault and defamation, the very next day (!) he goes on CNN, and defames me again.
So.....I sue him AGAIN.

The second trial took place on January 25, 2024 and was limited to damages. It lasted two weeks. Trump, saying he lost the first trail because he was not in the courtroom, attended this trial. The unanimous federal jury awarded me $83,000,000.

Story by Ben Weiser, Jonah E. Bromwich, Maria Cramer and
Kate Cristobek